Alumni Testimonials
Share Your Recovery Story

I wish that I could print this testimony in letters that are 20 feet tall, or that the printed words that I am typing could yell my message….THE LAKES SAVED MY DAUGHTER’S LIFE. During the course of her addiction, my daughter went to countless inpatient and outpatient detox and rehabilitation centers with no success. If you are reading this, and you are looking to save your loved one’s life, look no further and contact The Lakes ASAP!!! Bless you, owner Bernadette Cattaneo and all the staff at the lakes responsible for giving my daughter back her life.

Alumni Family

“I’m Forever Grateful for The Lakes Treatment Center.“
My life today is beyond blessed and grateful cuz of my clean and sober time and I have my almost 9-month-old son Nathan plus I have the most amazing man I’ve ever met who is my everything and whose absolute best father figure to my son!!! My life is legit complete and I’m content with where I am at now!!! I am loving my life more than ever these days!! I have the absolute best support system ever!! Thank you to everyone who stuck by me through thick and thin and waited for me to get through the hardest part of my addiction and get clean and sober!!! I knew it would be worth it in the end! Love you all!!

J. R.
Alumni Family

“I Will Be Forever Grateful For You And Your Staff, Words Could Never Be Enough…”
Dear Bernadette,
How do I even begin to express my gratitude for all that you do? I can’t even imagine where our family would be right now without your kindness and support! What you do at the Lakes is absolutely amazing! The impact you and your staff have on the lives of so many people is incredible!!
I wanted to thank you for literally helping save Tesa’s life! Your guidance and help save my sanity.

Alumni Family

“They Go Above and Beyond to Help Residents Get Their Life Back!”
I was having a really tough time with my alcoholism and other various personal issues. This facility got me healthy and allowed me to get back on track with their 30-day program. The owner and her sons go above and beyond to assist residents to achieve their goals and get their life back.

Kyle F.
Alumni Family

“153…..Days of Sobriety. Thanks to you!”
I spent about 5 months at the Lakes, l loved it, l loved the program the counselors, staff, cooks, everything it was a successful stay and I’ve been sober for 2 1/2 yrs now, l know this family very well you become their family immediately, you always can count on the Boss, Bernadette to help you also, and it’s on a Beautiful Lake to top it off your away from all the City Atmosphere and in a very quaint Copperopolis, l highly recommend The Lakes it saved me it can save you too.

Alumni Family